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Strategies for Business Leaders

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One Question

I’m back from the Martha Beck Coaches’ Conference where I was asked one of my favorite questions that I often ask clients:


The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink

The Edge of Comfort

With cameras flashing and reporters taking notes, last week’s speech at the annual Women in Business conference in Greenville gave me the opportunity to practice…

What If…

You already have permission to live your life? And can live it as you want?

The Wisdom of Hindsight

What if, in the midst of a big decision or transition, like career re-invention, your future self could gently whisper in your ear and tell…

Happiness Training

I call it looking through the lens of opportunity.  Shawn Achor, who spent 10 years at Harvard, calls it positive psychology and reports that positivity…

Navigating Transition? Read My Interview

Check out these tips!  From a speech that I gave on “The Making of Magnificence” at the Annual Women in Business Conference.


Your presence is such an incredible gift.

TEDx Raleigh! Check. This. Out.

The talented and fabulous Callie Brauel, entrepreneur and US Co-Director of Business at ABAN will be starring in a TEDx Raleigh talk this Saturday, December 10th.…

Half With Joy

Maybe it was the truffled frites from the night before, or the perfect fall day.  It could have been the easy tune I had playing…

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you a beautiful and bountiful day.


In January of this year, approximately 24 months after the end of my marriage, I walked into my coach and therapist’s office, plopped myself down,…

Back Up Plans

Back up plans in business or life are usually secondary.  They are Plans B and C.  They’re not first. But the kind of back up…

Are you elevating your leadership as your business grows?