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Strategies for Business Leaders

Practical, actionable, with a hint of inspiration. Every week in your inbox.

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Two Upcoming Opportunities

I will have two spots available in the Magnificent Leadership® Accelerated Elevation Program this fall.  This is ideal for senior executives preparing for, or landing…

Ready vs Fearless

Ready is a willingness to dive in. With exuberance. And trepidation. Both. Fearless is imaginary.

Sunday Sketch

Of all things not business and leadership related. Catching: Up to the Wordle craze.  And also mahjong.  Looking into both. Falling: In love with A…

Sunday Sketch

Of all things not business and leadership related. Looking: Forward to taking a spin through the ARTIC later this month.  A favorite Impressionist collection and…


You have my attention. (Settle in peeps, this one’s a bit longer than usual.) Three times last week, all with separate clients, all in different…

Sunday Sketch

Of all things not business and leadership related. Redefining: The next few months as a Summer of Being.  Listening for and following the pulls.  Soaking…

Ask Me, Answered

The following submission has been selected for this month.  To send in your questions for Ask Me, hit reply or email me directly: From…

Friday: Leaning In

To the subject of romantic relationships, love, and marriage.  Things I’m thinking about, tuning into, and working on, myself. Some excerpts from last night’s interview…

If You’ve Been Feeling

Like events here and abroad – from heartbreaking mass shootings to the ongoing war in Ukraine — are a lot to digest, a lot to…

Your Processes

Are only as good as their ability to do three things: Provide guardrails and mitigate risk Make things more (not less) efficient Drive and deliver…

In Memoriam

Honoring and remembering those in our military who have given their lives for this country. And grieving Uvalde.

Your Superpowers

Are those abilities that you tend to be comfortably inclined toward, that come naturally. Feel like breathing. Some client examples: The CEO who quite easily…

Are you elevating your leadership as your business grows?