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Strategies for Business Leaders

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I Don’t Have any Answers

And I am short on words. But I better comprehend Lincoln at Gettysburg and our fragility; I know that what we reach for is noble…

Client Road Trip

This month, I’m talking with some of my very best clients on why they chose to work with me.  The selection process alone has yielded…


6 things to consider: Is your EA fully leveraged? (I’m trying to think if I’ve ever seen a situation where the answer was yes.) Do…

Sifting Gold from Silt

I’ve been thinking about the vast changes on the business front from last year. Off the top of my head: Remote work, with sometimes added…

It’s Time to Begin Again

We still have some distance to cover before we are on the other side. But it is time to begin again. Time to reimagine and…

Dan Pink’s World Regret Survey

As we finish a difficult year and look toward the promise and renewal of another, I wanted to leave you with Dan Pink’s World Regret…

Drawing from a Deeper Well

After any speech that I give, or in last week’s meeting with my global mastermind, or nestled within the feedback that I receive from clients,…

Declaring a Snow Day

I caught the tail end of a report on NPR this evening where a school administration official had declared a snow day after a great…

Strategy, not Struggle

Have you mapped out yours? Below are the last two questions — of eight — for Strategic Emergence in the new year. Where do you…

Your 2021 Commitment

Professional, personal. To your organization, your team. Most importantly: to yourself. What will it be? Think big. Your first response might not be the one.…

Magnificence Matters

It’s more than merely not being mediocre. It’s about creating a footprint that you’re proud of, that you think was time well spent in the…

Keeping Your Leadership Sanity

I was keynoting this morning to CEOs and senior executives in Canada on, “Bringing the Outside In: Cultivating the Soil of Entrepreneurship in Your Organization.”…

Private Session Next Week

Before we move into the holidays and the end of this year, I wanted to share an update and extend a special invitation to you.…


In 4 weeks. Are you positioning for success? Two more questions — of eight — for Strategic Emergence: What are the best opportunities that exist…

In Gratitude

As we approach Thanksgiving (anyone else in disbelief that we’re almost there?), I want to thank you for your readership and participation in our ongoing…

Are you elevating your leadership as your business grows?