About 7 weeks ago I wrote this blog predicting that talent was going to move as we rolled into summer. What I’m hearing from clients is that talent is moving, particularly top talent.
I think this will continue. In even greater numbers.
What to do to hang on to your best people?
Read that earlier blog I wrote on Stay Interviews.
Do them.
Next, be sure that you are communicating with your team and your people (individually and collectively) about how they matter, how their work matters, to the overarching mission and vision of the organization and to the results that they’re responsible for. Weave that thread – over and over again – between their work and its importance.
Third, be sure that your bench is solid. A deep bench seems like a luxury until you lose two key players.
Fourth, understand what differentiates you from the competition in ways that matter to your employees and then amplify it. You promote from within. You support career growth and development. You’re maintaining the flexibility that enabled team members to integrate their work and home lives during the pandemic. Doing stay interviews will help you drill down on this.
Fifth, prepare for movement among top talent of diversity to be even greater as organizations continue to bring DEI to the fore.
No organization should be held hostage by the fear of losing talent. (That’s why you’ve got a strong bench.)
But nor should it be unprepared.