1. Accurate Prioritization
  2. Inspiration and Vision
  3. Influence and Execution


If you have 1&2 but not 3, you won’t be able to move forward with any speed toward your objectives.

If you have 2&3 but not 1, you’ll be ready to go but won’t have a clear direction for which to harness all that power.

And if you have 3&1 but not 2, you’ll have retention and morale issues, projects will be delayed, and you’ll be less competitive.

This is my freshest thinking and framework for Strategic Leadership that was presented to attendees at last week’s webinar where over 50 leaders from across industry came together.

Stay tuned for more on this.

Because as your business continues to pick up speed and volume, it’s critically important that you’ve got all three of these parts working in unison.


If you’re looking for a sounding board, strategic thought partner, and confidential executive coach all rolled in to one, we can now work together on a deep-dive quarterly basis through the brand new Quarterly Trusted Guidance  Annual Program, which is designed to be light on your calendar and heavy on return. To learn more about the benefits of this unique program and to apply and explore mutual fit, go here.