Before we move into the holidays and the end of this year, I wanted to share an update and extend a special invitation to you.

Right now I’m scheduling private sessions next week for those who would like to explore membership in the Magnificent Leadership® Executive Forum, which launches a second cohort in January.  During our call, we’ll both explore if this program is best suited for you in 2021.

If you are a successful and courageous senior leader who wants to take your business growth and leadership success to a new tier, the Forum is more than a program.

It’s a community.

If you’re not yet ready for this kind of offering, please share this with a senior executive who could benefit from gathering with other extraordinary leaders.

There are two seats that remain for the January cohort and a private phone call with me is the best way to discern if this is the right opportunity for you.

To reserve your private session with me next week, email me directly:

And for a copy of the Forum brochure, which outlines all the details and benefits of belonging to this community, send me a note:

*Note: The fee for the Magnificent Leadership® Executive Forum goes up on December 15. 2020 but I’ve extended it through the end of next week for anyone who schedules a call with me.