Arrived this week, severely shrunken from the last time I used it, easily more than a decade ago.
It never even made it to the house.
My business brain was immediately and deeply puzzled. Could I recall anyone in recent or distant memory using it?
I thought of the resources – human, time, material, and natural – that went into its making.
And the sales and business disconnect that permitted the continued creation of something whose time had passed, something long ago supplanted by our fingertips and Google.
How often is this the case? When we’re out of touch with our customers and default to what we know?
New is not always better, no argument.
(Although many of us purchase to possess the novel; Apple has mastered this sale with the iphone.)
But if we haven’t asked our customers lately what we could do/add/remove to make things easier/faster/more reliable or helpful, now might be a good time.
Because even if new is not always better, defunct is a whole world apart from classic or original.
New Offerings:
In response to clients wanting a strategic coaching program with direct and full access to me while light their calendars, this popular offering was created.
At 25K for the entire year, it’s the most accessible of the ways we can work together for personalized consulting and coaching.
Registration begins October 1 and runs through Nov 15.
6 spots only. When they fill, a waitlist begins for 2024.
To discuss if this is the right program for you, drop me a note directly:
In just a few weeks at the sold out LIVE Magnificent Leadership® Annual Event on October 19+20, I’m rolling out a brand new offering, courtesy of my conversations with clients. Those in attendance get first notice and first dibs. (And a discount!) Keep your eyes open here for the opportunity to join this new and exciting program.
In January, I’m hosting a cost-free, 45 minute webinar to help you kick off 2024. Hit reply and let me know the 2 topics that are most important and relevant for you and that you’d like me to address.