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Next open enrollment is July 1-31. Apply now →

Request an interview now to apply for membership and reserve your seat.

Attend the Annual Event LIVE in Raleigh on October 5+6 and receive the best rate of the year on Forum membership!

  A Community of Select Senior Executives

2025: Change is Upon Us

Perhaps, now more than ever, your leadership, your acumen and judgment, your resilience, and your access to the right information, matter.

There are forward-thinking leaders who are steering themselves and their organizations into the future, stronger, more competitive, and truly innovative.

They are strategically and successfully blazing giant new trails.

But they aren’t doing it alone. 



A rich learning ecosystem designed to generate maximal learning and business growth.

Members of the Executive Forum are vetted, high-level, top performing senior leaders from across industry and the globe, creating superb opportunities for relationship building and peer-to-peer learning and sharing.


Get real-time executive and business coaching from Sarah during each session.

In addition, membership in the Executive Forum includes a 90 minute, personalized strategic leadership consultation. And, members of the Executive Forum also have ongoing private access to me for follow up throughout the year.


Private and behind closed doors, we'll meet virtually each month.


Request an informational interview.

What’s it Like to Belong to this Unique Community?

From Attendees:

Ready to join?

The process starts with an informational interview to ensure this is right for you.

For Our Annual Event
October 6 + 7, 2021

Are you elevating your leadership as your business grows?