Are those abilities that you tend to be comfortably inclined toward, that come naturally.
Feel like breathing.
Some client examples:
The CEO who quite easily communicated context and meaning when hosting Town Halls and assumed that members of their senior leadership team not only did the same for their people, but knew how. Not so.
The division head of a professional services firm who had superb client relations, sold with ease and not an ounce of ick, but whose team didn’t know where or how to begin doing the same.
The Fortune 50 executive who took on the worst, most escalated, client relations problems and turned them around. They were on the front lines, others were on the sidelines. In awe.
The leader and coalition builder in an organization rife with factions whose approach brought people together to launch a major new, revenue-generating initiative. They loved knitting the quilt, others didn’t even have the needles.
I’ve written about this before, and it was just brought to my attention again when talking with a client whose superpowers are propelling them directly into a bigger role.
A few things:
- An effective way to uncover your hidden superpowers is to ask others; 360 conversations work wonders
- What comes naturally to you is where you add the greatest value (courtesy of my first coaching mentor, Martha Beck)
- Because your superpowers are like breathing, if you want to see those skills and behaviors demonstrated by your team members, you’ll have to first know what you’re doing and then deconstruct them for others to learn
Use your superpowers with awareness, and you’ll create leverage for yourself and your team.
For more on working with me directly to identify and leverage your superpowers, get promoted, do fun and good work, lead with purpose, and support your team to do the same, go here. And go here to check out this brand new offering where you’ve got me in your back pocket for an entire year.