This is a very good question.
And one that I didn’t have an answer to when asked by a prospective client.
Because I don’t really have a coaching philosophy.
Training and more training? Yes.
Business experience? Yep.
An approach that blends the two into something greater? For sure.
But a coaching philosophy, something that I fit everyone into?
Not so much.
The bedrock of any work together, I told them, is to begin with and return to – over and over again –what my clients want, and use that as our foundation and rudder.
It’s what I’m keenly listening for, asking questions to uncover, giving homework to explore, presenting possibilities to consider, constructing our strategy around, and always holding.
How we go about things is all the other stuff, which is plenty important (not great to hire someone who can’t help you get where you want to go).
But my philosophy?
I want to know what my clients want.
For more on ways we can work together to get you where you want to go, drop me a note: