And make a commitment, instead.
My best clients, those who are the most successful, are committed to being bolder in their space, to thinking differently, to doing big things, to making a mark.
I see it when we craft strategy and discuss the breadth of impact they want.
I see it in the caliber of their teams, because the best talent inside (and outside) their organizations is drawn to working with them.
I see it in their focused execution and their exceptionally strong and trusting client relationships.
I see it in the investment they make with me and the 10x ROI we harvest.
And I see the rewards they reap, not just financial – which, let’s be clear, are significant — but also the satisfaction and fulfillment.
Instead of resolutions, what if you made a commitment to being bolder in 2020?
What would that look like?
For more on working with me in the new year, you can reach me directly at: Go here to learn about my unique new offerings for 2020, including the Magnificent Leadership® Executive Dinners Program.
Two New Resources Coming in 2020!
Announcing the re-launch of The Making Magnificence Project®, where I’ll be talking with leaders across different disciplines to hear their leadership stories and how they navigate today. We kick off with Glen Tullman, Founder and Chairman of Livongo Health. Stay tuned!
Keep your eyes open for my new video series. I’ll be coming to you with quick tips and best practices. Drop me a note with your questions so I can be sure to include them:
Booking speakers for your 2020 marquis corporate events or association conferences? You can reach me at: My most popular keynote: “Magnificent Leadership® – Keys to Success,” combines extraordinary leadership narratives with practical application.
For 2020, new keynote! “Magnificent Leadership® in a New Role: Success Essentials”