I got up and headed straight for the woods. The outdoors was calling, and although there was much to be done, much that was pulling, an inner wisdom pulled me harder.
Scarf, gloves, layers. No phone.
What did I see? Yellow crocus that had forced through the earth, forsythia beginning to crack, hellebores in the beginning stages of their full glory, an older greyhound with soulful brown eyes out on his walk who came to say hello. And giant herons flying from their nests high in the pine trees to and from a particular, leafless tree, breaking off sticks and returning. Spellbound, I wondered, Why that tree? And how long did it take them to figure it out? How did they figure it out?
For the month of March, I’m going to experiment with a walk as morning routine (a concept inspired by a member of the Executive Forum). There is too much joy, too much wonder, too much sustenance not to make it the first thing I do each day.
It will not change the very full plate that greets me upon return.
But it might change the way I relate to it.
Write and tell me of your morning routines. I’ll publish them here.