Take practice.

We don’t like to think of it that way, but it’s so often the case.

Sure, sometimes the right phrase finds us.

But more often, through a combination of experience over time, trial and error, and navigating similar situations, we find our way to building a toolkit of sorts – a signature combination of our intention and language and tone — that we rapidly pull from.

But what happens in high stakes situations when your past experience doesn’t match your present circumstance?

Some examples:

  • You’ve been promoted, are managing a former peer, and they are not happy about it
  • There’s been a true crisis of confidence at your organization, and as CEO, your job is to paint an inspiring yet realistic vision of the future that brings everyone along
  • You need one of your senior leadership team members to be far more accountable in leading their team and stepping up as an Anticipatory Leader
  • You and a peer in the organization are tasked with leading a major initiative, but they’re hogging the spotlight while you’re doing the work
  • You’ve been asked to step into a new role that frequently requires presenting to the Board, and while you are confident in your technical expertise, speaking in front of this group is nerve wracking and you’re worried about getting it right

Now what?

Although you could wing it, you know the stakes are too high, the visibility too great.

So you reach out to your trusted resource — someone in whom you can confide and share your apprehensions and the specifics of the situation – and get immediate, customized guidance.

And as you put that to use, you know that you are not only addressing the present challenge, but expanding your toolkit and your abilities for the future, making you more valuable to those whom you lead and your organization.

For more on working with me directly, you can find my executive coaching offerings here and here.  If you don’t see what you’re looking for, drop me a note: sarah@sarah-levitt.com

The next openings for working together to Build a Self-Correcting Team℠ are in December.

And!  Keep your eyes open for a brand new keynote in 2025 on Anticipatory Leadership.  Coming soon!  I speak at association conferences, national leadership events, and corporate off sites.