Oranges and apples.
Some canned soup.
My running shoes.
The essentials that get thrown hastily into a bag before leaving for the beach.
The idea was born at the end of last year during a long-postponed vacation: I’d come back, once a month for a few days, through winter and spring.
The sole purpose would be to check in, to reconnect.
Both of these last times, I’ve noticed the pace at which I arrive, the whirl inside my head, how fast that’s all moving.
And how much clarity there is when it quiets.
Staying true to this commitment doesn’t come naturally me. When I see the dates blocked on my calendar (because that’s the only way it will happen), I try to negotiate, shave off a day, maybe even question if it’s necessary at all.
And then when I’m here, and afterward, I know that there are few things more so.
Depending on the obligations in your life, it may be difficult to carve out this version of a Reconnect Retreat.
How can you create your own?