Tuesday, January 11, 2022, 10-3 ET
Members of the Magnificent Leadership® Executive Forum receive a 10% discount on registration fee.
How much time does it cost you to put out one fire
that someone else should be able to deal with?
One glitch that could have been avoided?
One double-check to be sure things go as they should?
One re-work that requires your attention at the last minute to fix?
One double-back on a conversation to ensure the right outcome?
How many times a day does that happen?
A week?
In this brand new workshop, we will use some of the same targeted diagnostics, strategies, maps, and tools that I use with executive clients to get them out of the quicksand and into the strategic.
What You Can Expect at this Virtual Workshop:
- Prep work so you can make the most of our intensive time together, which I will review before the workshop to understand your role and your business
- Pinpointing exactly what your strategic value is
- Identifying why you get pulled away from it and what needs to change so you don’t
- A clear understanding of the precise next steps for quickly building your own Self-Correcting Team℠ and which of the 7 areas need your greatest attention: Execution, Decision-Making, Autonomy, Problem-Solving, Responsibility, Skills and Capabilities, and Guardrails and Guidelines
- A copy of my Self-Correcting Teams℠ Meetings Format for your use and implementation
- Mapping the immediate and longer term human infrastructure required to support continued elevation of your leadership and business growth over the next 12 months
- Defining roles, responsibilities, and expectations for those critical positions so you can fill them successfully with the right people
- Understanding how to detect & avoid the Automatic Yes
- Creating your own unique Controlled Delegation℠ Map with a process to remove the non-strategic from your plate and delegate it successfully
- A specific action plan for the next 12 months
- 30 days access to me after the workshop to support your strategic momentum
No more than 8 participants for maximum air time, 5 minimum required.
The fee is $4500. Register here to reserve your seat now.
Come out of the gate in January prepared to lead strategically.
And see what happens in 2022.
Members of the Magnificent Leadership® Executive Forum receive a 10% discount on registration fee.