When I began interviewing leaders in their fields for The Making Magnificence Project® back in 2012, I was interested in one thing: How did they navigate significant uncertainty, tumult, and transition and come out on the other side?
Those leaders worked in government, business, and the arts. I even interviewed a 91 year old widow. All had experienced triumph and setback.
While none spoke about navigating a pandemic, I don’t know that their stories – and their answers to my questions – have ever been more relevant.
If you’d like to listen to some of the interviews, many of them are archived here on my website and there is no fee.
Those conversations became my book and Amazon has the Kindle version on sale at half price.
And the 5 Year Retrospective interview that I just did with Glen Tullman, Founder and Executive Chairman of Livongo, can be found here.
Heartfelt gratitude and well wishes go to all of those in healthcare who are running into the fire.