After flying back from client work, I stayed up to watch this interview with presidential historian Jon Meacham.  It begins with the question of whether leadership is mold or mirror.

I’d like to submit that there is a third possibility.

Here in North Carolina, we re-elected a judge to our Supreme Court in November.  The race made national news because the seat was won by a slim margin, and the loser, despite two recounts, is now trying to have 60,000 ballots disqualified.   

That’s because it’s been modeled.

At the national level in 2020.

Leadership is implicit permission, guidance, and example all in one.

It’s why the vision statements that hang on your walls are only as good as the behaviors that support them.

And why leadership’s most beautiful characteristic — the power to elevate and lift us to something more – is also its most cautionary.


For more on working with me to elevate your leadership and the team around you, contact me here.

A full list of 2025 offerings coming soon.