A recent trip to the beach found me running into a pretty strong headwind. So strong, that my visor blew off my head. Three times.
In ten years of running, I’m not sure that’s ever happened.
I kept going knowing that upon return, the wind would be coaxing me along, at my back.
There is no denying that running with the wind, rather than against it, is easier.
But we can’t control the wind.
Or its speed.
Or direction.
So the question becomes: Are we prepared to meet it, no matter?
For more on working with me directly to elevate leadership performance and drive business outcomes, you can reach me at sarah@sarah-levitt.com for a mutually exploratory conversation. My clients are CEOs and Fortune 1000 senior executives who are successful, talented, ambitious, and have the desire to excel, to be magnificent.
If you’re interested in the leadership journeys of others who have run into the wind, you can go here to Amazon or Barnes and Noble to purchase a copy of my new book, Magnificent Leadership. Marshall Goldsmith calls it, “A great read for all leaders and leaders-to-be.”
For information on booking me to keynote at your annual meeting, national conference, or global leadership summit, you can reach me at sarah@sarah-levitt.com If your event needs a dynamic speaker who’s described as truly inspirational and highly practical, I’m booking into 2019 now. My most popular keynote is Magnificent Leadership® – Keys to Success, and I’m just back from delivering the opening keynote at the American Bankers Association’s Emerging Leaders Forum in Washington, DC and am speaking later this month at the BreakThrough Conference of the Association of Financial Professionals, among others.
Has your strategy become derailed, difficult, or just plain forgotten? I lead Magnificent Leadership® Strategic Sessions to set priority, focus, and direction for senior leaders and their teams. For more: sarah@sarah-levitt.com
Note: Special Opportunity in Charlotte on May 31! I’m hosting a regional meeting of The Society for the Advancement of Consulting where Alan Weiss, author of Million Dollar Consulting, will be conducting the morning session and delivering a preview of his new IP on business and entrepreneurship that he’s presenting at special workshops in London and Adelaide. He’ll be joined in the afternoon by thought leaders delivering breakout sessions. Go here for more information and to reserve your spot.