I want to share a short cut with you from a team session that I led yesterday for the division of a global firm. The primary focus of the session was to discern how each person could go beyond their current contributions to deliver more value to internal stakeholders at the highest level of the organization.
If you want a direct route to enhancing your value – a vital component of Strategic Leadership — consider these two things:
- Where and how can you anticipate the needs/requirements of your stakeholders/customers and act accordingly?
- Where can you flatten speed bumps and clear obstacles to accelerate delivery to those stakeholders/customers?
Put some of your focus and attention there, and you’ll likely have greater insight into inefficiencies and redundant processes.
And a prime opportunity for a solutions-oriented conversation to serve your stakeholder/customer.
Which usually delivers a win for all.
For more on working together with strategic team sessions, contact me here to schedule a conversation.