We might be tempted to assume that in the time of Crazy COVID, people will stay put.

Not so.

Superstars always have choices, and I’m seeing that many are re-evaluating their current positions.

Have you identified why the best in your organization stay?

And are you shoring up those retention efforts?

Your competitive edge matters now like never before, and your team members not only drive that, they are that.

For more on attracting and retaining the best of the best, you can reach me at: sarah@sarah-levitt.com

I work with CEOs and senior executives who are courageous, talented, successful, and want to make their mark.

Magnificent Leadership® Executive Forum
An elite group coaching program for senior executives leading through COVID 

Note: Deadline for Application is July 20

In this unique executive group coaching program, select senior leaders from organizations across industry and size are represented — technology, biotech, manufacturing, higher education, science, banking, and professional services, as examples — to create a rich learning ecosystem that accelerates results.  Among an outstanding cohort of your peers, we’ll discuss your most critical issues, shared experiences, and hot-off-the-press learnings.  We’ll talk urgent and strategic.  In a trusted space where you don’t have to sugar-coat anything, so you can make the best decisions possible.  Success in these times requires bringing everything you’ve got.  It does not require going it alone.

In addition, members also have private coaching access to me.

Fee: $2500, Quarterly Membership

Deadline for application or nomination is July 20: sarah@sarah-levitt.com


Webinar Topics for Your Leadership Team Meetings, Virtual Conferences, and Board Sessions:

New! VIP Velvet Rope Offering: Customized Roundtable Discussion for Your Select Attendees
You choose whom to invite, we craft a signature offering that can only be found through you, and I bring unique content and lead a discussion among participants

Reconnecting with Resilience and Leading Through COVID
The 4 key investments to make in yourself and your team to successfully navigate the future

All Hands on Deck: Leadership Courage During Crisis and Volatility
How to forge ahead rather than follow during difficult times

Magnificent Leadership® – Keys to Success
Transform Uncertainty, Transcend Circumstance, and Claim the Future: Applying the 8 key factors

Bringing the Outside In: Cultivating the Soil of Entrepreneurship in Your Organization
How to foster speed, grow innovation, and encourage hustle

Magnificent Leadership®: Building Self-Correcting Teams™
Forget high performance and instead build a team that can function without you

For more information on customized webinars for your event, write to me: sarah@sarah-levitt.com