As you make your plans for 2022 to grow your business, here are some ways we can partner.
(Read to the very end for a special offer in honor of the new year.)
You Can Have Me as Your Trusted Guide and Executive Coach in 5 Different Ways:
The 2022 Magnificent Leadership® Ascension Program – Private Leadership Guidance, 2 openings
Concierge consulting for bold leaders. Personal and professional, life and business.
Bespoke, comprehensive, confidential.
The finest, purpose-driven leaders know that as their companies grow, they must grow with them.
Expand the bounds of your leadership and make your mark and contribution.
For more, email me for an invitation to apply and to explore mutual fit:
Fees begin at $12,500/month or 150K annually with a 10% discount. 2 openings only.
Customized Executive Coaching for Senior Executives
Preparing for promotion into a bigger role? Already landed and drinking from a firehose?
– Lead with confidence
– Knock your metrics out of the park
– Strengthen your influence and create stakeholder buy-in
-Thrive under the bright spotlight of greater responsibility and visibility
– Deliver on your strategic priorities and get out of the weeds
– Build and Lead a Self-Correcting Team℠
The next openings for working directly with me for customized leadership coaching are in January.
Drop me a note to tell me about you and your aspirations:
Read about what it’s like to work with me from people who have.
And go here to download my free paper on leading in a new and bigger role.
New! Quarterly Trusted Guidance
Brand new, hasn’t even made it to my website yet. Deep dive, quarterly strategic sessions with me over Zoom, 90 minutes. (Your Deputy can attend with you.) Prep work and homework so we hit the ground running and you maintain momentum in between. I am your thought partner, strategist, executive leadership coach, idea-generator, and confidential sounding board. Beginning in Q1.
Includes email access for the year. Drop me a note to inquire and register:
In Your Back Pocket Executive Coaching and Indomitable Business Coaching℠
About 15% of the work that I do each year is with execs who come to me for one of three reasons:
- You’re at a transition point in your career, a crossroads, and are wondering if you should look for other opportunities outside your organization or change directions entirely; you want a guide to help you find your way, create your own path, and possibly reinvent yourself
- You’re in a new role or simply want me in your back pocket as a coach, guide, and confidential sounding board without involvement from your organization
- You are building your own consulting or coaching business and you want to shortcut your learning curve and accelerate your revenue
Go here for more. These spots are quite limited.
The Magnificent Leadership® Executive Forum
Enrollment just opened for January entry into the Executive Forum and will close at the end of this month. Next enrollment is in the Spring.
Start the new year with a community of peers where you can get seasoned input and insight, a place where you can let down your guard, be real, and gain best practices. Annual Membership Privileges include: twice-monthly virtual meetings with vetted, high level, top performing leaders across a variety of industries, 7 different rotating meeting formats to keep as current as possible with changing business conditions, quarterly pre-eminent leadership and business guest speakers, live coaching with me in addition to annual access and a customized strategic leadership session to launch your membership, and a guaranteed seat at the Annual Executive Forum Live Event.
15K for the entire year, a value-packed investment in yourself and your future.
Did I mention that renowned economist Dr. Eugene Flood is kicking us off in January with the key factors and trends that business leaders need to be thinking about for 2022?
What are you waiting for? Go here to read what members are saying and to apply or email me directly:
We Can Work Together to Accelerate Your Team’s Performance and Results
Magnificent Leadership® Strategic Team Sessions
Clients use them to:
– Learn how to take your team from high performing to Self-Correcting℠
– Become more cohesive, trusting, and seamlessly executing so you can focus on your strategic priorities and not continually get pulled into the weeds
– Revisit and reinvigorate your mission and vision
– Create a relevant talent retention and recruitment strategy for today’s conditions
– Refocus, boost resilience, and reestablish critical goals and objectives for the coming year
– Determine areas of risk in the business and create solutions
– Establish roles and responsibilities, determine effective delegation, identify gaps, and fill the holes
Highly customized to your specific needs and objectives.
Prep work and homework. Pre-session calls between you and I, debrief after each, and I provide my recommendations for going forward. 3 sessions recommended. Sessions may be spaced out over the course of the year if you choose.
Next sessions are being scheduled for January. Virtual. Email me directly:
You Can Have Me Keynote Your Conference, Corporate Event, or Leadership Retreat
The two most popular topics you’re asking for right now:
“Culture as Competitive Edge”
“Reconnecting with Resilience”
For booking information, meeting planner resources and additional topics, go here.
Virtual keynote: $7500, In-person: $15,000 plus travel.
Includes customization, pre- interviews, and up to 90 minutes of delivery.
You Can Attend a Specific Event or Workshop that I’m Hosting
The Quicksand Effect: How to Get Out Workshop
2022 will be as brisk — and as complicated — as ever.
If you are drowning, throw yourself a life preserver and register for The Quicksand Effect: How to Get Out Workshop on January 11 from 10-3, ET. If you are continually pulled into the weeds and out of your strategic priorities, spend one day with me and get your whole year straight. Go here to see what you can expect. This is similar to the kind of work I do with senior leadership teams, and I’ve distilled it into a one day intensive workshop for you. Virtual with prep work and 30 days coaching access to me to support your momentum. (And if you’re not sure exactly what your strategic priorities are, you’re in good company with many other leaders, and not to fear, we’ll be spending some time on how to figure that out.)
Limited seating for maximum airtime. 3 seats remain.
The 2nd Annual Legacy on Purpose Private Virtual Conference
Begin 2022 with passion, purpose, and precision. Ready to create your legacy rather than have it assigned to you? On January 6+7 from 9:30-12:30 ET I’m hosting the 2nd annual Legacy on Purpose℠ Private Virtual Conference. Two half days. Limited seating. Live coaching. And a clear roadmap for your leadership and life. Go here to register and to learn what you can expect. This sold out last year.
Note: These are the only workshops I’ll be offering for 2022 in addition to the Magnificent Leadership® Executive Forum Live Event in October.
As thanks to you and for the new year of 2022 that is on the horizon, I’m offering a 20% discount on all of my offerings listed here if you register before December 31st. Contact me for pricing.