and power.
They develop runners
in a way that
the ease
of flat terrain cannot.
And while challenging,
they promise
to return tenfold the very things they ask.
If you’re climbing
a hill right now,
that embedded in that enormous effort
is the opportunity
to dig in to the core of who you are,
and expand outward
from that place
who you can become.
I’ll be running hills over the coming months to prepare for a shot at a 1:50 half marathon this November — a gift to myself for my 44th — with an eye toward BQing in a 2013 marathon. Definitely a stretch, but we get good (or at least much, much better) at what we practice. What do you want to stretch for?
Registration is open for the Making Magnificence: Re-Creating Your Future coaching program that begins
October 16th in Raleigh. 10 spots, fab program, incredible price. If you want to create a life that’s yours, use transition as an opportunity to move forward, or want the joy that comes from the internal you being aligned with the external life you create, go here to register. And then email me to set up a complimentary session.
Stay tuned for my next blog: I had the privilege of hearing Dan Heath last week, author of Switch: How To Change Things When Change is Hard (see my Bookshelf) speak about his upcoming book, Decisive. I’ll be sharing some of Dan’s strategies for good decision making in an upcoming blog post.