I was talking with a client about self-leadership, about sustaining themselves during this crisis, asking if they were getting outside to walk (something I know they love and that refuels them).
Sustenance is important for leaders during ordinary times.
Now it’s imperative.
If you’re leading, you’re carrying more weight than you likely ever have, with an amalgam of urgent concerns, both immediate and longer term.
It is not the time to relax your attunement to what you need.
But you might find with the strain of all that you have on your plate, you’re doing just that.
I asked my client to consider picking two things that they will practice regularly and make non-negotiable with themselves.
Their response?
“Does sleep count?”
It doesn’t only count, it’s critical.
Are you getting enough sleep?
And what’s the other, one thing that you’re going to make non-negotiable with yourself for your sustenance and resilience?
For more on working with me directly: sarah@sarah-levitt.com I work with CEOs and senior executives who are courageous, talented, successful, and want to make their mark.