I was debriefing an engagement with a client that has gone exceptionally well and attributed it to two things: their courage and their humility.
Courage to hear what was difficult to hear when I shared 360 information.
Courage to then do something about it.
Humility to not resist, not defend, not self-advocate.
Humility to take in the guidance I was providing, despite their substantial success. (And I do mean substantial.)
If you saw how hard they worked, and with depth of dedication, you’d know it wasn’t easy.
But the results are gigantic.
They are in a different place.
Their team is in a different place.
And their prospects for the future seem unbounded.
If they hold on to nothing else from our time together, I told them, just continue to show up with courage and humility.
For ways of working with me in 2023 on your own leadership development, you can find more information here.