I once heard a presenter at a conference, a consultant, declare without reservation or hesitation, that they were smarter than their clients.

My first thought was, “How incredibly arrogant.”

Because I was thinking of my clients.

They’ve often been coaching members of their teams, their clients/customers, and their colleagues, for years.  Not as a ‘coach’ per se, but as mentors and confidants, as reservoirs of organizational savvy and good judgment, as highly experienced and respected leaders.

They’re incredibly smart.

So why bring me in, why partner?

Because questers are also learners.

And they know that they don’t always know.

Or can see.

And that is part of what makes them so successful.

(This was such a clear theme when I interviewed leadership exemplars for The Making Magnificence Project®, that when the interviews turned into a book, it took up an entire chapter on Questing for Self-Mastery, Chapter 7.  Stay tuned, brand new conversations for The Project coming soon! )

Come in from the cold for a brief application conversation to join 2021 Magnificent Leadership® Executive Forum.  It’s cozy in this vibrant, trusted learning community for senior executives.  Members let their guards down, have real conversations, and get real answers.  Behind closed doors.  It’s also where exceptional leaders like Brad Wilson, CEO Emeritus of BCBS of NC, and Glen Tullman entrepreneur extraordinaire, drop by for intimate conversations on business and leadership.  Members are saying it’s unlike any other senior executive peer group they’ve attended.  *Note: The Annual Membership fee for the Forum is 10K before April 1.  After April 1, the fee increases to 15K.  Invest in yourself and flourish in 2021, pandemic be darned.  Spring is coming.  To apply, email me: sarah@sarah-levitt.com