After a forced absence,

I began again.

Legs and lungs

were struggling

as my soul

was singing.

And that’s what I use as my guide.

In running.

And in life.

Beginning again

requires enormous effort,

and buckets of courage,

and is, at times,


But it can make

your soul



If you’re at the Annual Conference for the NC Bar Association, you can catch me presenting “Reaping the Rewards: Strategies for Cultivating Work-Life Balance and Well-Being” on June 23rd in Wilmington.

Heads-up! There are 4 spots left in my Got Your Back Mastermind program that begins in October.  If you’re leading a company, either established or entrepreneurial, and want to gain best practices, reduce your learning curve, tap the brainpower and wisdom of others facing similar situations, be in a collaborative and confidential setting with people who understand that life and business are best when integrated and sustainable, then you’ve come to the right place.  I’m taking applications beginning June 15th.  Email me for more information and to set up an interview:  

Navigating Transition?  Mark your calendars for Tuesday, October 9th at 7pm in Raleigh: the Making Magnificence: Re-Creating Your Future program begins.  If you’re man or woman at a personal or professional crossroads, are asking the ‘what’s next’ question, are trying to navigate change and come out on the other side shining, join me and get ready to get seriously inspired about getting into your life.  As one participant said, “This program got me through transitions that I thought impossible and helped me to become who I’m destined to be.”  Email me to find out more and to apply: