Is when
the external world we create
the internal world
of who we are.

Are you aligned?

Coming Soon:

The Making Magnificence Coaching Program begins Oct. 16th
Registration closes Oct. 1st.  8 weeks.  10 seats.
Go here to register, set up a complimentary session with yours truly,
and then get ready to get your groove on.

You+Me = 1:1 Coaching
Details arriving in your inbox soon!

The Making Magnificence Project: Stories of Transition and Resilience 
I’m talking with people who have transitioned and transformed, and they’re sharing their narratives.
Doesn’t get much better than this.
Stay tuned here.

Join me at one of these Appearances this Fall.
I’m currently booking Speaking and Workshop engagements for 2013
and would love to talk with you about your conference, annual meeting,
or training and development programming.
One part inspiration, one part information, total good time.

My blog on Dan Heath and good decision-making really is coming.